Distinguished Professor Andreas Albrecht, Department of Physics and Astronomy, recently sat down with author and physicist Brian Greene for a wide-ranging conversation about the origins of our universe. Published on Jan. 10, the conversation is part of the World Science Festival, an event that aims to "cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future."

Removing the Arrow of Time from The Equation
In two new papers appearing in Physical Review Research, UC Davis and Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers introduce a new model to explain the phenomenon of decoherence, when a system’s behavior shifts from being explainable by quantum mechanics to being explainable by classical mechanics.

New Thinking About the Multiverse
The concept of the multiverse, multiple versions of the same world existing side by side, is widespread in movies and television. In the real world, theoretical physicists are still grappling with the mathematics of multiple worlds. A new paper by physicists at UC Davis takes a fresh look at the quantum math of multiple worlds, implying that there may be more possibilities than we imagine.