people in a classroom waving small American flags

A Brief History of Citizenship

by Alex Russell

Historian Gregory Downs explains the history of the 14th Amendment to the constitution that defines birthright citizenship and equal protections we take for granted today. 

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Humans Aren’t the Only Animals With Complex Culture — but Researchers Point to One Feature That Makes Ours Unique

Of the 8.7 million species on Earth, why are human beings the only one that paints self-portraits, walks on the Moon and worships gods? For decades, many scholars have argued that the difference stems from our ability to learn from each other. But extensive data has emerged suggesting that other animals, including bees, chimpanzees and crows, can also generate cultural complexity through social learning.

Challenging Primate Presumptions

In her recent book Primate Socioecology: Shifting Perspectives, Lynne A. Isbell presents a new way of classifying primate social organizations. Primates are unusual among mammals in having a wide diversity of social organizations, including living alone, in pairs, in small cohesive groups, in large cohesive groups, and in groups whose members split up and come back together repeatedly.