Father Time

A comprehensive and wide-ranging work, the book traces Hrdy’s personal investigation into the deep history of male care, beginning with the very first caretakers, male ones among fish over 400 million years ago, through eons of mammalian and primate evolution, and including several thousand years of historical changes across cultures through time leading to this novel 21st century situation.

Top Sci-Fi Recommendations from Science and Technology Studies Faculty

As technology blurs the line between science fiction and science fact, now more than ever it’s imperative to equip students with the skills to address the world-changing effects of scientific and technological revolutions. The Science and Technology Studies (STS) program at the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis aims to accomplish this by unifying the humanities and social sciences with the science, tech and medical fields. We asked some STS faculty for their top science fiction recommendations for the eager reader. Check out their recommendations below.