Almost three years after breaking ground, the Chemistry Building’s new addition opened its doors at the beginning of September — just in time for fall quarter. This expansion and renovation of the building marks an exciting step forward for the Department of Chemistry, equipping it with modern, multidisciplinary and collaborative lab and work spaces to facilitate cutting-edge research and valuable experiences for students.
The three-story, almost 35,000 square-foot addition created new research laboratories — including a dedicated lab space for the UC Davis Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics. The addition also features conferences and seminar rooms, support spaces and offices for faculty and graduate student researchers.
The campus-funded, $47 million project didn’t stop at the new addition. More than 15,000 square feet of the existing Chemistry Building received much-needed renovations. On the first floor, offices and laboratories were demolished and replaced and new meeting spaces were added. Upstairs, a second-floor lab was remodeled. The exhaust and electrical infrastructure in the building were also upgraded to boost capacity. Work extended outside the Chemistry building as well, including upgraded pathways and bike parking and a new courtyard deck.
Sustainability was a guiding design principle for the project, indoors and out. Sustainable elements of the design include drought-resistant landscaping, energy-saving lighting systems, and flooring made of renewable and recycled materials. With these measures, the project is expected to earn a prestigious gold certification from Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, a global rating system for building sustainability.
The addition and renovations are the latest in a line of improvements to the Chemistry Building and surrounding area. From 2018 to 2021, the building underwent major seismic renovations — including foundation upgrades, concrete bracing and new sloped walkways — enhancing safety and accessibility. In the summer of 2022, the bike and pedestrian paths just west of the Chemistry Building were completely redone to improve safety, including a new bike circle, widened bike paths and new sidewalks.
Even as students, faculty and staff settle into their new spaces, more improvements are on the horizon for the Chemistry Building, including landscape restorations, additional utilities work and a follow-on project to add an atrium to the Chemistry Annex with a hallway connecting it to the main building.
Stay tuned! Plans are in the works for an official ribbon cutting and celebration later this year.
This article originally appeared on the UC Davis Design and Construction Management website.


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