The Research Core Directory has launched!
The new website allows researchers to search and locate shared research facilities, instruments, resources, services, and expertise across UC Davis. This comprehensive directory serves as a one-stop search for all researchers, including faculty, staff, students, and external partners.
From the directory, researchers can access a wide range of instruments and services through core facilities, including access to technologies, training, and high-quality scientific and technical services delivered by experts.
The directory includes resources for biological and medical sciences, engineering, agriculture, environmental sciences, social sciences and the humanities, and it spans the Davis and Sacramento campuses and off-campus facilities.
The Research Core Directory is hosted through the Research Core Facilities Program in the Office of Research: https://core-directory.or.ucdavis.edu/
The directory includes over 70 cores and facilities with more than 450 resources and services available to support research, and more are added each week. Explore the shared research resources available across UC Davis, including:
- Cores: labs, centers, offices, and units that own resources and provide services
- Resources: equipment, space, software, datasets, and other assets
- Services: analysis, consultation, training, recording, and other expertise for hire or for free
We look forward to the positive impact this directory will have on our research community and external partners to support an environment of excellence and collaboration.
For more information or to advance questions or concerns, please visit the RCFP website.
This article originally appeared on the UC Davis Office of Research website.