The call is open for paper and exhibition proposals for the forthcoming Wearables Collective Symposium, a two-day event focused on weaving innovation into all stages of life through e-textiles, smart clothing and other forms of wearable technology for health and well-being.
Wearables Collective Symposium: Call for Papers and Exhibition Proposals


The call is open for paper and exhibition proposals for the forthcoming Wearables Collective Symposium, a two-day event at UC Davis focused on weaving innovation into all stages of life through e-textiles, smart clothing and other forms of wearable technology for health and well-being. The Wearables Collective Symposium is scheduled for March 25 and 26, 2024. Paper and exhibition proposals are due by January 1 and January 15, respectively. 

Gozde Goncu-Berk, an associate professor of design in the College of Letters and Science who’s spearheading the Wearables Collective Symposium, said “I’m hoping for a highly interactive knowledge exchange event that brings together researchers from different fields under the umbrella of wearables research.”

According to the symposium’s website, the event “aims for a deep exploration and cross disciplinary discussion in wearables of all forms, smart material exploration and tangible human-computer/robot interfaces for physical and mental health and well-being in all stages of life from infancy to older age, to sleep-work-leisure cycles as well as healthy versus unwell phases in life.”   

For more information, visit the event website.
