Seed Grant projects foster long-term international research collaborations, create innovations in internationalizing the curriculum in support of the Global Education for All initiative and grow or build global partnerships.
Since the first iteration of “Design in Europe," a study abroad program at UC Davis, students have kept visual journals of their travels – six to eight pages per day – that are a mix between a scrapbook, sketchbook, travelogue, collage and diary. The journals have been exhibited in Iceland, Scotland, England and the Netherlands. Now, for the first time, these journals are being exhibited all together right here in Davis, Calif.
The UC Davis CalTeach/Mathematics and Science Teaching Program (CalTeach/MAST) trains undergraduates for careers in the classroom. Through the program, a cohort of UC Davis undergraduates recently traveled to Loreto, Mexico to teach about water science.
With flavor and flair, a community of academics, chefs and food justice advocates are sparking conversation at UC Davis and beyond through the new seminar Thinking Food at the Intersections: Justice and Critical Food Studies. The seminar series is supported by a $225,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation received earlier this year.
The call is open for paper and exhibition proposals for the forthcoming Wearables Collective Symposium, a two-day event at UC Davis focused on weaving innovation into all stages of life through e-textiles, smart clothing and other forms of wearable technology for health and well-being. The Wearables Collective Symposium is scheduled for March 25 and 26, 2024. Paper and exhibition proposals are due by January 1 and January 15, respectively.