Meet the 2024-2025 Chancellor's Fellows

The eight faculty members who comprise the newest class of Chancellor’s Fellows are early career academics doing exemplary work in their fields. The program, created in 2000, awards $25,000 in unrestricted philanthropic funding to support recipient's research or scholarly work. C

Reimagining the Past Through Food Justice

With flavor and flair, a community of academics, chefs and food justice advocates are sparking conversation at UC Davis and beyond through the new seminar Thinking Food at the Intersections: Justice and Critical Food Studies. The seminar series is supported by a $225,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation received earlier this year.

Meet the New L&S Public Scholars for the Future

The Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement (PSE) has selected seven graduate students as Public Scholars for the Future fellows. The scholars include three L&S graduate students who will learn to integrate community-centered theories, methods and techniques into their disciplinary field of study, research design and methods.

13 College of Letters and Science Faculty Members Receive Research Revitalization Grants

Thirteen faculty members from the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis were recently awarded Revitalization Research Program Grants. Intended to support faculty whose research programs have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the college-funded grants support the continuation or completion of stalled, high-priority projects. The selected faculty members represent the breadth of research conducted at the College of Letters and Science.