How Pilgrimage Sites Arise: UC Davis Anthropologists Explore Ritual Formation in Peru

How do pilgrimages and rituals arise? How do people become convinced to try something new? What makes a place so special that it persists through time, drawing people to it again and again? UC Davis anthropologists Cristina Moya and Nicolas Restrepo Ochoa are answering these questions at the ground floor. For the past few years, they’ve documented and studied a new pilgrimage taking form in the Peruvian Altiplano. 

A Century of Elites-only Education

For the past five years, economist Santiago Pérez has studied the socioeconomic makeup of students at elite institutions. A new working paper shows that neither free tuition nor the introduction of standardized testing had any impact on the backgrounds of students attending elite institutions for the last hundred years.

Fighting for a Fulfilling Life

As historian Traci Parker writes a new biography, she is learning just how much Coretta Scott King contributed to her husband’s ideas and actions, and how his story is also very much her own.