The Unseen Step Between Farm and Table

In her short film Unpacking Immigration, anthropology doctoral candidate Harleen Bal illuminates what she calls the “unseen middle step between the farm and the table” by exploring the lives of immigrant meatpackers living in Livingston, California.

Avoiding the Next Infant Formula Supply Crisis

In 2022, the nation’s largest infant formula manufacturer sent new parents scrambling when it launched a product recall that sparked shortages nationwide. UC Davis researchers contributed to a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report that identifies the causes of the shortages and detailed recommendations for securing national supplies.

UC Davis Media Experts for Election 2024

The UC Davis College of Letters and Science has political scientists, historians, security experts and others who can address various issues in the elections this year. This expert guide was initially published in February and again updated in September 2024.

Closing the Free Speech Loophole for Hate Speech and Disinformation

In a new paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Jurisprudence, UC Davis philosopher and legal scholar Mark Reiff gives new insight into the source of the right to free speech and the limits that this right contains. The paper explains how these limits show us that hate speech and disinformation are not protected by the right, but rather must be limited to ensure all of our fundamental freedoms.